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Writing/Editing — case study

Implementing ChatGPT in Your Business Operations

advertising blogs case study copywriting editing journalism marketing media press releases print publishing seo social media writing

Implementing ChatGPT in Your Business Operations

Image by Tara Winstead ChatGPT by OpenAI (recently acquired by Microsoft), is an artificial intelligence (AI) chatbot. A chatbot is a computer program that interacts with a user that enters text-based prompts in the form of a querie or command or combination of the two. In a basic sense, it is similar to using a search engine, like Google, which yields web results from scraping websites from across the Internet and world wide web (known as crawling or indexing) and gives you website results to find information. LMP provides search engine optimization (SEO) services to its clients to help them...

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Case Study: EnerKnol Energy Industry Research Content Editing

case study energy journalism publishing

Case Study: EnerKnol Energy Industry Research Content Editing

Lawson Media & Publishing, also known as LMP, has delivered many successful writing and editing projects for clients in a variety of fields. Those looking for expert energy industry writers or content editors can find one here. LMP provides a unique blend of energy industry experience, journalism ethics and professional accuracy needed for organizations, like those of EnerKnol, a former client.  EnerKnol produced timely information related to production, markets, technology, policy, environment and other issues that impact the energy industry. They needed a professional editor that possessed journalism skills to edit for mechanics such as grammar, punctuation, spelling and proper...

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Case Study: Protect America Blog

blogs case study cybersecurity marketing seo

Case Study: Protect America Blog

Robert Lawson, founder of LMP, wrote blog content for Protect America, a home security and surveillance business. He has also produced cyber security content for numerous clients in the technology niche.

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