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Website Copy, Articles and Blog Posts for Sale

Get high quality articles or page copy for websites, blogs, newspapers, magazines, ecommerce sites, marketing, social media and SEO. Acquiring content for your website is a simple process, but there are nuances to purchasing articles, blog posts, ghostwriting services, etc.

What are you willing to pay for quality? How frequently will you need content? Writers often offer incentives in the form of discounts for regular contracts or some sense certainty like any other professional. Higher quality content will require research, thought, organization and other considerations in addition to editing, revision and consistency in voice, style and mechanics. There are also premiums for expertise, experience and content ownership rights. Take all of these into consideration when purchasing content for your business, organization, publication or service.

On the LMP Store, you can purchase syndicated content (republishing rights) or unique content (full publishing rights) that is original and has not been published elsewhere. You can also consult with LMP and purchase services such as ghostwriting, SEO, blogs, newsletters, journalism, article series, sponsored content, PR writing/distribution, digital marketing copywriting, ecommerce description writing, web page writing and content strategy or management. 


Articles by Rob Lawson Available For Sale at

5 Things Even Good Businesses Do Badly on Twitter

Even the wisest businesses make mistakes with social media, specifically Twitter, which seems to be a popular tool for branding these days. Here are the 5 don´ts of Twitterdom for small and midsize businesses.
Usage Price: $100 Unique Price: $125 Full Rights Price: $150

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