Premium Press Release Bundle
Put your press release in front of as many eyeballs as possible. Use the bundle service to take advantage of our premium press release service, which will guarantee that your professional press release for your business is sent to more than 100 different press organizations and publishers.
Lawson Media & Publishing Premium Press Release Writing Bundle:
This bundle includes an expertly written press release of up to 500 words with SEO emphasis on up to 3 Links and 3 Keywords per release. Written by a professional journalist with industry experience and contacts. There will be a period of approval before the distribution of your press release.
LMP provides high quality press release distribution in this premium bundle. That means you get distribution to more than 100 authority news outlets with a diverse range of white hat links, giving you great backlink power for your site's SEO too. Those links will be DA 10-90+ for good exposure to domain authority. This will also help search rank.
You will get the following:
- Professional press release writing
- Distribution to more than 100 authority news publishers in our network
- 3 links and 3 keywords each press release
- DA 10-90 domain authority ranking for quality backlinks
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